Frequently Asked Questions
Piada Rewards
* Points are earned on qualifying purchases based on order subtotal after discounts. Taxes, fees, and certain items are not eligible to earn points. Subtotal is rounded to down to the nearest $0.10 for points calculation
* Restrictions apply. See above for details.
The points listed above your rewards are the points you currently have available to spend in our claimable rewards catalog. Every order you place earns you more points to claim rewards.
Milestone-Based: Awarded for reaching a significant goal.
Exclusive Badges: Limited-time badges available during a short timeframe.
Secret Badges: The criteria to meet is hidden until earned.
If you are placing your order at one of our restaurants, have our team scan your Piada Rewards barcode when you go to pay for your meal and the discount will be applied.
If you are placing your order online or in our mobile app, make sure to log in with your Piada One account you used when you subscribed. After that, all you need to do is add your entrée, stick and drink and then your discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
For any problems using your subscription, please reach out to us on our Feedback page so that we may assist you.
Online Ordering
At this time we can only provide your tax-exempt benefit for orders placed in-store or through our catering representatives.
Gift Cards
Your gift card balance can be found by clicking here.
Gift cards with PINs can be used at our restaurants, on and in the Piada mobile apps.
If your gift card does not have a PIN, for security purposes it can only be redeemed in-person at our restaurants.
Whenever you place an order using your gift card, you'll earn 5 bonus points for each $1 dollar spent on qualified items*.
To earn points, make sure your order is tied to your rewards account by doing the following:
- If ordering online, confirm you're logged in while placing the order
- If ordering in-store, scan your rewards barcode at checkout
*Please allow up to 24 hours for points to be added to your account.
The PIN will be located under a silver scratch off area of the back of the card. If it does not have a PIN, for security purposes the card can only be redeemed in-person at our restaurants.
The Piada mobile apps supports split payments, and will let you apply both a gift card and a credit card payment to your order.
For more information on Split Payments, please click here
At this moment, it is not possible to combine multiple gift cards into one gift card. You can use the Piada mobile apps to apply multiple gift cards to a single order.
For more information on Split Payments, please click here
Gift cards are not eligible for refunds except where required by law.
When purchasing or adding a gift card in the Piada mobile app, you can choose to have your gift card automatically reload its balance to the amount you choose after it goes below a certain dollar amount.
For example:
- You purchase a new card for $50
- You choose to "Reload Card To" $40
- And select "When Balance is Below" $20
If you use this gift card to purchase a $34 meal, your balance will be $16. At this point, your card is below the "When Balance is Below" amount, and will initiate an Auto Reload. Your saved credit card will be charged $24 to bring the balance of your gift card to the "Reload Card To" amount of $40.
Download the Piada mobile app and then tap on the Wallet icon to purchase a new gift card and enroll in Auto Reload, or enroll an existing card.
Whenever your gift card enrolled in Auto Reload is reloaded with funds, you'll earn 5 reward points for each $1 dollar in value reloaded onto the card*.
For example:
- You made a $10 purchase with your $25 gift card which brought the balance to $15
- Your gift card Auto Reload is set to reload to $25 "When Balance is Below" $20
- Your gift card is reloaded with $10 to bring the balance back to $25.
- You spent $10 in Auto Reload funds and earn 50 points*
*Please allow up to 24 hours for points to be added to your account.
Launch the Piada mobile app and then tap on the Wallet icon. Find the gift card that is enrolled in Auto Reload (as indicated by the "Auto Reload" icon) and then tap on the Settings icon. From here, change the "Enroll in Auto Reload" toggle off and your gift card will no longer automatically reload its balance.
If you are purchasing a gift card for another person, you will not be able to enroll the card in Auto Reload because it won’t be saved to your account. If you do wish to purchase a card for someone else and also enroll it in Auto Reload, ask the recipient to provide the card number and PIN to you and then add it to your Piada app. After doing this you will be able to enroll the card in Auto Reload.
We keep your saved credit cards used when you place an order for food separate from the saved credit cards you use for purchasing gift cards and subscriptions. Enter your credit card information again and choose to save, and it will be available for your next gift card purchase.
The 2023 Holiday Gift Card promotion is active from 11/14/23 through 1/9/24. During the promotional period, any time your gift card auto reloads, the reloaded balance is eligible to earn bonus rewards for every $25 that is reloaded on your card (either all at once or over several reloads). These rewards are added to your Piada One account without the need to redeem any codes.
After the holiday promotion ends on 1/9/24, auto reloads will no longer be eligible to receive bonus rewards.